Thursday, June 23, 2005

In Quantum states

Quantum computers may not be a reality soon but the multiverse(multiple universes) are deep. This topic of quantum stuff got me into so many sites today- its involves, physics, chemistry and Mathematics. The very concept of exsistance of multiple universes is amazing. I was particularly impressed by the concept of information loss causing limted computer performance due to heat. If two bits are input to an AND gate the ouput is only one bit i.e either 1 or 0, loss of one bit- loss of information? Yes as the inputs cannot be deduced from the outputs.

Lossless gate-Send three inputs A,B,C and at the output should be A unchanged,(B as the AND value of A,C), C unchanged. Now you know what all the inputs were from the just the outputs? yeah A and C are unchanged so you know them and now what input was B, can be found by doing an exclusive OR of B and A times C.

Quantum Computing link
Other Links
Physics web

While you are there, also check the Shor's Quantum level algorithm.
Also think about this, whats something not imaginary nor invisible, like a rock for example, yet can never be seen with your own eyes. OK you can find something related searching for Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem.

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